Adventures of Harriharri - Episode III and Migri Platformer (2022-2023), Episode II (2021)
Sequels to the A.MAZE. / Berlin 2021 Digital Moment Award winning Adventures of Harriharri by Harold Hejazi. Developed with Unity by a core team of 4.
Adventures of Harriharri is a video game performance series, where Harriharri battles bureaucracies and systemic forces of social exclusion. The games are performed live in an interactive-cinema format and narrated through live rap and song.
Episode II was part of Vantaa Art Museum Artsi’s Reciprocities exhibition (2021).
Episode III was originally produced for Helsinki City Theatre Stage for Contemporary Performance (2022), and updated in 2023 for The Narratives of Finland project, Fantasia Malware Presents, Oulu Theatre and more.
Migri Platformer, an interactive installation based on the performance was exhibited at Catalysti Fragmented Fronts (2022), Fantasia Malware Presents (2023) and updated for Eloa Festival (2023).
My roles
Game development (programming, animation etc.).